Saturday, November 5, 2016

Free PPT & PDF Submission Websites

Another way of promoting your website is with content and slides. You can make PDF and PPT related to your website and share these documents over various websites. PDF and PPT submission help in prompting your website by sharing important information about your website just like Infographics.

So, make a eye catchy PPT and PDF document for your website and submit and share those slides/files over below mention websites.

Free PDF Submission Websites

  1. Issuu PDF Submission
  2. Pdf SP Submit PDF
  3. PDF Submission
  4. Educr PDF Submssion
  5. Scribd Submission 
  6. Media Fire Submission 
  7. Zippy Share 
  8. 4 Shared 
  9. 2 Shared
  10. Yudu Submission 
  11. Drop Box 
  12. Wiki Upload 
  13. File Save 
  14. Send Space 
  15. Share File 
  16. Uploaded 
  17. File Serve 
  18. File Factory 
  19. WhattPad 
  20. Smash Words

Free PPT Submission Websites

  1. Slide Share
  2. Author Stream PPT Submission
  3. Slide World
  4. Slide Boom
  5. Slide Serve
  6. Power Show PPT Submission
  7. Keep and Share
  8. Slide Rocket
  9. Slide Shop
  10. Slide Roll

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the list..
